Rotten Sound «Suffer to Abuse»
Date: June 1, 2018

Download album Suffer to Abuse as a torrent in audio format as MP3, AAC, FLAC for free and register. Group from the Finland and play in the genre of Grindcore, on 27-March-18, 1:50 Rotten Sound in status is active and recorded on the label of the . Group Rotten Sound plays in genre Grindcore and was formed in country Finland. Release Suffer to Abuse was released on media Compact-Disc and in Full album format.
List of tracks
I like
01. Privileged (1:24)
02. The Misfit (1:52)
03. Stressed Mess (2:04)
04. Harvester of Boredom (2:01)
05. One Hit Wonder (1:18)
06. Nutrition (2:23)
07. Slaves of Lust (0:50)
02. The Misfit (1:52)
03. Stressed Mess (2:04)
04. Harvester of Boredom (2:01)
05. One Hit Wonder (1:18)
06. Nutrition (2:23)
07. Slaves of Lust (0:50)

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