Editors «Violence»
Date: March 4, 2018

Download album Violence as a torrent in audio format as MP3, AAC, FLAC for free and register. Group from the UK and play in the genre of Indie Rock, on 18-February-18, 19:00 Editors in status is active and recorded on the label of the . Group Editors plays in genre Indie Rock and was formed in country UK. Release Violence was released on media Compact-Disc and in Full album format.
List of tracks
I like
1. Cold
2. Hallelujah (So Low)
3. Violence
4. Darkness At The Door
5. Nothingness
6. Magazine
7. No Sound But the Wind
8. Counting Spooks
9. Belong
2. Hallelujah (So Low)
3. Violence
4. Darkness At The Door
5. Nothingness
6. Magazine
7. No Sound But the Wind
8. Counting Spooks
9. Belong

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