Сивый Яр «Край непуганых птиц»
Date: 2010
Download album Край непуганых птиц as a torrent in audio format as MP3, AAC, FLAC for free and register. Group from the Russia and play in the genre of Pagan Black Metal, on 28-September-15, 7:37 Сивый Яр in status is active and recorded on the label of the Irii-Sad Productions. Album Край непуганых птиц came out and was recorded on label Irii-Sad Productions in 2010. Group Сивый Яр plays in genre Pagan Black Metal and was formed in country Russia. Release Край непуганых птиц was released on media Compact-Disc and in EP format.
List of tracks
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1. Край непуганых птиц 11:28
2. Накатилась туча грозная 08:49
2. Накатилась туча грозная 08:49